There are over 1,300 Alumni from the Syracuse University Chapter of Delta Upsilon. We feel strongly that the men of Syracuse University should always have the option to join a non-secret and non-hazing fraternity. We are committed to this ideal because we believe that true Brotherhood and lifelong friendships are built on mutual respect, trust, and honor.
Over the past several years, our Alumni have raised substantial funds to make our return to Syracuse University a reality and establish an educational endowment to enable future generations of DU undergraduates to attend award-winning leadership conferences and participate in global service initiatives. Beyond financial support, we also help in numerous other ways.
Alumni Governance | Three Entities Support our Brotherhood
Dikaia Foundation (Dikaia)
- Established in 1952, Dikaia is an educational foundation with a 15-member alumni board that provides academic, merit and needs-based scholarships
- On February 24, 2024 Dikaia is expecting to make 40+ grants totaling over $30,000 to DUSU undergraduates.
Core Mission:
- Aid, encourage, promote, and contribute to the education and general well being of the undergraduate brotherhood
Board Members:
Aziz Al-Sulaiti ’19
Larry Cantor ’84
Gary Cohen ’93
Bill French ’85
Peter Gaines ’79
Steven Hochberg ’83
Rick Holland ’83
Ken Hyman ’88
Jon Levy ’82
David Nass ’91
Kevin Stein ’83
Oz Street ’80
Mike Whalen ’85
Chapter Advisory Board (CAB)
- Established with re-colonization in 2016, CAB is an 8-9 member alumni group which provides 1:1 mentorship and advice to the undergraduate Executive Board Officers.
- This includes leading the Chapter, following DU International’s best practices, recruiting new associate members, interfacing with SU, conducting philanthropic events, managing chapter finances, etc.
Core Mission:
- Support and coach undergraduate leaders to help ensure their and the Chapter’s success
Board Members:
Jerrel Burgo ’18
Vinny DiPaolo ’18
Ken Hyman ’88
Doug Lattuca ’23
Peter Maescher ’90
Bob Vrooman ’89
Austin Kornbluth ’22
Doug Lattuca ’23
Marco Tinetto ’23
DUSU Housing Corporation (Housing Corp)
- Established in 2018, Housing Corp is an 8 member alumni board that oversees all houserelated operations as landlord (at 801 Walnut and –starting in Fall 2024 –721 Comstock)
- Areas of focus include lease administration, rent collection, vendor management, house improvements, maintenance and repairs, insurance, etc.
Core Mission:
- Provide a safe, positive and (reasonably) clean environment that is conducive to learning and personal growth
Board Members:
Ken Berlin ’92
Chris Calabrese ’89
Josh Davidoff ’21
Mark Linnan ’85
Stephen McDermott ’87
Alan Schanzer ’90
David Sugrue ’90
Warren Wolf ’89
Steve Hochberg ’83
If You’re an Alumus, Here’s How You Can Help
- Join our DU Syracuse Facebook page, Delta Upsilon Alumni: Syracuse University
- Join the DU Syracuse LinkedIn Group, Delta Upsilon Syracuse University, this is a link to reconnect with alumni using this professional social networking tool and help our undergraduate Brothers find internships, new jobs, or provide career advice.
- Make sure we have your updated contact information. If you’re uncertain, please email us at dusyracuse@gmail.com and we will be in touch.
- Volunteer for one of the three Boards listed above.
Help Find the Following Brothers
We want to keep our Brothers posted on activities but we don’t have email addresses for the Brothers listed below. Anything you can share would be extremely helpful. Email us at dusyracuse@gmail.com if you have any information for any of these Brothers.
William E. Hemple ’50
Gordon G. Thomas ’50
Robert H. Dewhurst ’52
Stratis Lazarou ’52
F. Thomas McMahon ’52
Richard D. Sullivan ’52
Robert H. Nichol ’53
John P. Martin Jr. ’54
Leon M. Hakes Jr. ’55
Peter T. Manicas ’55
William J. Schroeder ’56
Gaston J. Bermudez ’59
Leonard Dramis ’59
Gerald B. Faigle ’59
John P. Leagans ’59
Donald R. McGrath ’59
Kenneth A. Hardter ’60
Wallace P. Woodruff ’60
Thomas D. E. Edwards ’61
Peter W. Deleeuw III ’62
Neal A. Ferris ’62
Edward J. Finn Jr. ’62
Stephen B. Greason ’62
James E. Lawler ’62
Bruce B. Redfield ’62
John R. Woodruff ’63
Joseph Cardinale ’64
Robert C. DeWolfe ’65
Benton S. Hubbard ’65
James O. Marshall ’65
Douglas Bradburd ’66
Antone T. Oliveira Jr. ’66
Peter G. Dillon ’67
Frank J. VonHolzhausen ’67
Ashton S. Bullard ’68
Richard B. Collins ’68
William B. Edgerton ’68
Steven A. Moore ’68
Gene C. Uhlmann ’68
Peter A. Frank ’70
Russell A. Patrick ’71
Brooke J. Pennypacker ’71
Franklin D. Rosenberg ’71
Edward Berg ’72
Gary D. Cushman ’72
Dale M. Patterson ’72
Thomas P. Taggart ’72
N. Mark Ewing ’73
Joseph K. C. Fung ’73
Manuel E. Tavares ’73
Donald E. Neville Jr. ’77
J. Kevin Cullen ’79
John T. Desko ’79
Daniel T. Hanavan ’79
John W. Moyer ’79
Robert B. Ross ’79
Matthew Gottesfeld ’80
Eli E. Hertz ’80
William B. Nugent ’80
William G. Samios ’80
Christopher T. Gentile ’81
David A. Ginsberg ’81
David V. Hagen ’81
Antoine Harkless ’81
Thomas J. Owens ’81
Jonathan N. Pazer ’82
Errol J. Treger ’82
Michael J. Gatto ’83
Ronald A. Mager ’83
Yuan P. Zee ’83
Stephen W. TenBarge ’84
Kevin G. Burns ’85
Daniel L. Welton ’85
Garson T. Green ’87
Stephen R. Jones ’88
Alan M. Caldwell ’89
Gerard A. Maione ’90
Stephen A. Brodsky ’93
Evan F. Baumgarten ’94
Luis R. Berrios ’94
Daniel T. Davis ’95
Oskar R. Mayen ’95
Coco N. Paleologos ’95
Adam Cohen ’96
David M. De Carvalho ’96
Peter J. Yorn ’96
Mohammad R. Radji ’97
Renzo F. Maugeri ’98
Steve V. Mele ’98
Wade A. Ryan ’99
Ian C. Benepe ’22