Make a Donation
Donate to Dikaia
The money raised will go toward scholarships for our undergraduate Brothers. Learn more below. Dikaia is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization tax ID 16-6044201.
Suggested Donations
Alumni Annual Dues: $150
Recent Grads (since 2016): $100
Dikaia Board Members: $500
Please send your tax deductible gift by:
Credit Card
(preferred method)
(857) 272-5047
Dikaia Foundation Inc.
c/o Oswald C. Street IV
107 Chestnut Street, #4
Boston, MA 02108

Dikaia Foundation, Inc. (“Dikaia” or the Foundation) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) founded by Delta Upsilon Syracuse University Chapter alumni in 1952. Dikaia’s mission is to aid, encourage, promote and contribute to the education and general well-being of members of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity at Syracuse University. The Foundation’s objectives are to:
- Provide educational advantages, opportunities, and facilities
- Aid and assist financially
- Promote physical, mental, and moral well being
- Establish endowments and administer fellowships, scholarships, and incentive awards
The Dikaia Scholarships
Since its’ founding, Dikaia has provided academic, merit and needs-based scholarships to hundreds of DU undergraduate brothers at SU. Some of these scholarships bear the name outstanding Delta Upsilon alumni, including:
The Herb Dean Scholar Award
Named after Herb W. Dean ’39. Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic and personal achievement, with special consideration given to students in the School of Management and to applicants who have shown significant improvement in their grade point average (GPA) over the last year.
The M. Harold Dwyer Achievement Award
The Jock Stratton Award
The Dick Thorpe Award
The Jeff Ploshnick Friendship and Participation Award
The Albert P. Stauderman Jr. Newhouse Leaders Award
The Rick Barry "Christmas Everyday" Award
Raymond Ranellucci Emerging Leader Scholarship
The David A. Thorpe Class of 1964 Leadership Scholarship
Support SU DU Undergraduates Through Dikaia
If you are interested in naming a scholarship, please contact Rick Holland